Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Creativity and public relations

PR Week, articles from the 3 February and 23 March editions
     It is not hard anymore to see that, increasingly, creativity is a word of reference in the PR sphere. Companies start using terms like "collaborative innovation", "creative environment", "no-boundary creativity", "innovative campaigns" and so on.
This is one example:

 PR Vision TV: Creative ideas that really work

     It is obvious that creativity is a primordial characteristic for successful outcomes of public relations agencies.
     But the questions remain: Can we spark off creativity? Can we enhance it? Could an uncreative person turn into a creative one, and the creative one into an even more creative one? Fortunately, the answer is: Yes!
On one of the lectures we had at the university, the guest speaker, Katie Blanch from 3 Monkeys Communications, has told us that their company has occasional workshops where they have actual creativity tutors guiding them to superior creative skills.
     Further research made me realise that there are several creativity tutors and experts out there, one of which, Edward de Bono, quickly became my favourite, because he shares the same belief as myself :
     "Creativity should be producible on demand. Creative thinking is a skill, it's not just a matter of individual talent, it's not just a matter of sitting by the river and playing Baroque music and hoping you'll get inspired. That is very weak stuff".

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